Birth month:
Choose month
Birth day:
Birth year (only years from 1800 through 2399 are valid) :
Birth hour (please give time of birth in 24 hour format ) :
Birth minute:
If your birth time is unknown, please enter 12:00) (if you were born EXACTLY at 12:00, then please enter 11:59 or 12:01 -- 12:00 is reserved for unknown birth times only)
State/Country (enter data above before picking a state/country):
AK| Alaska
AZ| Arizona
CT| Connecticut
DC| Dist of Columbia
GA| Georgia
HI| Hawaii
IA| Iowa
KS| Kansas
KY| Kentucky
LA| Louisiana
ME| Maine
MD| Maryland
MN| Minnesota
MS| Mississippi
MO| Missouri
MT| Montana
NV| Nevada
NH| New Hampshire
NJ| New Jersey
NM| New Mexico
NY| New York
NC| North Carolina
ND| North Dakota
PA| Pennsylvania
PR| Puerto Rico
RI| Rhode Island
SC| South Carolina
SD| South Dakota
TN| Tennessee
TX| Texas
VT| Vermont
VA| Virginia
WV| West Virginia
Alabama| AL
Alaska| AK
Arizona| AZ
Arkansas| AR
California| CA
Colorado| CO
Connecticut| CT
Delaware| DE
Dist of Columbia| DC
Florida| FL
Georgia| GA
Hawaii| HI
Idaho| ID
Illinois| IL
Indiana| IN
Iowa| IA
Kansas| KS
Kentucky| KY
Louisiana| LA
Maine| ME
Maryland| MD
Massachusetts| MA
Michigan| MI
Minnesota| MN
Mississippi| MS
Missouri| MO
Montana| MT
Nebraska| NE
Nevada| NV
New Hampshire| NH
New Jersey| NJ
New Mexico| NM
New York| NY
North Carolina| NC
North Dakota| ND
Ohio| OH
Oklahoma| OK
Oregon| OR
Pennsylvania| PA
Puerto Rico| PR
Rhode Island| RI
South Carolina| SC
South Dakota| SD
Tennessee| TN
Texas| TX
Utah| UT
Vermont| VT
Virginia| VA
Washington| WA
West Virginia| WV
Wisconsin| WI
Wyoming| WY
Afghanistan| AFG
Albania| ALB
Algeria| ALG
Andorra| AND
Angola| ANG
Anguilla| ANGU
Antigua & Barbuda| ATG
Argentina| ARG
Armenia| ARMENI
Australia| AUSTL
Austria| AUS
Azerbaijan| AZERBA
Bahamas| BA
Bahrain| BAHR
Bangladesh| BANG
Barbados| BARB
Belarus| BELARU
Belgium| BEL
Belize| BLZ
Benin| BENIN
Bermuda| BER
Bhutan| BHU
Bolivia| BOL
Bosnia & Herzegovina| BOSNIA
Botswana| BOTS
Brazil| BRZ
Brunei| BRU
Bulgaria| BULG
Burkina Faso| BKF
Burundi| BDI
Cambodia| CAMB
Cameroon| CAM
Canada| CAN
Cape Verde| CV
Cayman Islands| CAYI
Central African Republic| CAR
Chad| CHAD
Chile| CHILE
China| CHINA
Colombia| COL
Comoros| COMI
Congo| CONGO
Congo Democratic Republic| DROC
Cook Islands| CKIS
Costa Rica| CR
Croatia| CROAT
Cuba| CUBA
Cyprus| CYP
Czech Republic| CZEC
Denmark| DEN
Djibouti| DJB
Dominica| DOM
Dominican Republic| DR
East Timor| TP
Ecuador| EC
Egypt| EG
El Salvador| ELS
Equatorial Guinea| EQGU
Eritrea| ERITR
Estonia| ESTON
Ethiopia| ETH
Faeroe Islands| FRI
Falkland Islands| FLI
Fiji| FJ
Finland| FIN
France| FR
French Guiana| FRGU
French Polynesia| FRPO
Gabon| GABON
Gambia| GAM
Georgia| GEORGI
Germany| GER
Ghana| GHANA
Gibraltar| GIB
Greece| GRC
Greenland| GRNL
Grenada| GREN
Guadeloupe| GUAD
Guam| GU
Guatemala| GUAT
Guernsey| GUER
Guinea| GUIN
Guinea-Bissau| GUBI
Guyana| GUY
Haiti| HT
Honduras| HON
Hungary| HUN
Iceland| ICE
India| INDIA
Indonesia| INDSA
Iran| IR
Iraq| IQ
Ireland| IRE
Israel| ISRL
Italy| IT
Ivory Coast| IVC
Jamaica| JAM
Japan| JP
Jersey| JER
Jordan| JOR
Kazakhstan| KAZAKH
Kenya| KE
Kiribati| KIRI
Korea, North| NKOR
Korea, South| SKOR
Kuwait| KUW
Kyrgyzstan| KYRGYZ
Laos| LAOS
Latvia| LATV
Lebanon| LEB
Lesotho| LESO
Liberia| LIBR
Libya| LY
Liechtenstein| LICT
Lithuania| LITH
Luxembourg| LUX
Macedonia| MACED
Madagascar| MADA
Malawi| MALW
Malaysia| MLYS
Maldives| MALD
Mali| ML
Malta| MALTA
Man, Isle of| IMAN
Marshall Islands| RMI
Martinique| MART
Mauritania| MAUR
Mauritius| MAUS
Mayotte| MAYT
Mexico| MEX
Micronesia| FSM
Midway Islands| MIDW
Moldova| MOLDOV
Monaco| MC
Mongolia| MONG
Montserrat| MONTS
Morocco| MOR
Mozambique| MOZ
Myanmar| MYAN
Namibia| NAM
Nauru| NR
Nepal| NP
Netherlands| NETH
Netherlands Antilles| NANT
New Caledonia| NCAL
New Zealand| NZ
Nicaragua| NIC
Niger| NIGER
Nigeria| NIG
Niue| NU
Norfolk Island| NORF
Northern Mariana Islands| CNMI
Norway| NOR
Oman| OM
Pakistan| PAK
Palau| PW
Panama| PAN
Papua New Guinea| PAPUA
Paraguay| PAR
Peru| PERU
Philippines| PHIL
Pitcairn| PIT
Poland| POL
Portugal| PORT
Qatar| QA
Reunion| REU
Romania| ROM
Russia| RU
Rwanda| RW
Saint Helena| STHEL
Saint Kitts-Nevis| STKN
Saint Lucia| STLU
Saint Pierre and Miquelon| STPM
Saint Vincent and Grenadines| STVI
Samoa, American| ASAM
Samoa, Western| WSAM
San Marino| SMAR
Sao Tome and Principe| SAOT
Saudi Arabia| SAUDI
Senegal| SEN
Serbia| YUG
Seychelles| SEY
Sierra Leone| SL
Singapore| SING
Slovakia| SLOVAK
Slovenia| SLOVEN
Solomon Islands| SOLIS
Somalia| SOM
South Africa| SAFR
South Georgia| SGEO
Spain| SPAIN
Sri Lanka| SLAN
Sudan| SUDAN
Suriname| SUR
Swaziland| SWAZ
Sweden| SWED
Switzerland| SWTZ
Syria| SY
Taiwan| TAIW
Tajikistan| TAJIKI
Tanzania| TANZ
Thailand| THAI
Togo| TG
Tokelau Islands| TOK
Tonga| TO
Trinidad and Tobago| TRIN
Tunisia| TUN
Turkey| TUR
Turkmenistan| TURKME
Turks and Caicos| TCI
Tuvalu| TUV
Uganda| UG
Ukraine| UKRAIN
United Arab Emirates| UAE
United Kingdom| UK
Uruguay| UR
Uzbekistan| UZBEK
Vanuatu| VANU
Venezuela| VEN
Vietnam| VIET
Virgin Islands| VI
Wake Island| WAKE
Wallis and Futuna| WALF
Yemen| YE
Yugoslavia| YUG
Zambia| ZAM
Zimbabwe| ZIM
Input your city, then click on the correct city:county option from the dropdown choices which appear on the black background.
Do not use your browser's auto-fill feature. You must click on a dropdown choice which appears on the black background.
City (the data after the colon is the county/province name) :
The data below will be filled in automatically after you left-click on the city of choice above.
Time zone:
Longitude (the format here is like 88 W 37):
Latitude (the format here is like 42 N 1):