Transits (a daily study aid of planetary influences)
Are you interested in learning more about the planetary influences that occur each day in your life (the "general astrological weather")?
Now you can with my program called Transits. Transits calculates your natal chart, then lists your daily
transits along with text that you can use to learn more about planetary energies - and help you live better every day.
Download the Kindle/tablet version of Transits - Transits program for your Kindle/Android tablet, v3.00, 16 May 2012.
(If your browser is not set to download .apk files, then right-click on the link and choose SAVE.)
Different devices seem to have different issues with respect to screen size, operation, and other things. So below are different versions - I can only suggest you try
them and see which one best fits your particular device. These programs are all Android/Kindle programs, not iOS.
(If your browser is not set to download .apk files, then right-click on the link and choose SAVE.)
Note #1 for above: it has been reported by one user that he could not set a birth date before 1970 on his Motorola Razr phone. Apparently there is a design
issue with Android phones: when you enter the date with the virtual keyboard, and click done, the date doesn't return correctly. Only if you
use the +/- buttons or if the edited text (for month/day/year) loses focus, only then is the correct date returned. So play around with this - the
user with the Razr phone DID get it working after trying various procedures.
Note #2 for above: some users say that they have to keep setting their natal birth info. I can't reproduce this problem. I suspect it is because their
device does not allow the saving of files in its internal memory. I can only suggest you read your owner's manual and see if you can change a setting in order
to get this to work properly. Everything works properly on my Nexus 7 tablet..