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Category Archive for 'History'

  Because difficult-to-answer questions often come to members of The Rosicrucian Fellowship, the following explanations are offered. THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP Qualities that Make It Unique Inquirers typically request a comparison between the Fellowship and another organization. Other groups may change from year to year, but it is possible to list certain qualities which together make […]

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The Prophecies of Joachim of Fiore [Source: Wikipedia] Born in the small village of Celico near Cosenza in Calabria, at the time part of the Kingdom of Sicily, Joachim was the son of Mauro the notary, who was well placed, and Gemma, his wife. He was educated at Cosenza, where he became first a clerk […]

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The Rosicrucian MysterySchool October 28-29-30, 2011 Our Roots and Spiritual Heritage Centennial Founder’s Day Celebration 1911 – 2011  

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http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown/2010/01/astronomy-meeting-highlights-new-planets-hubble-images.html  By Carlos Z, Overheard on Rosenet  About a year ago a new planet system was discovered in constellation Cygnus.  Now, a new diamond planet has been discovered in constellation Serpens: http://www.space.com/12731-diamond-alien-planet-discovered-neutron-star.html  The Rosicrucian Brethren wrote in the Fama Fraternitatis [The Confessio manifesto 1610 – 1615]:  Chapter VII. We declare that God, before the end […]

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Chapter Eight of the Biography, Max Heindel and The Rosicrucian Fellowship, carries the reader through the numerous practical challenges that Max and Augusta Heindel faced as they homesteaded the land and laid the groundwork for the new Western Wisdom school at Mount Ecclesia.   See Max Heindel in the unpublished photo, below, standing near the water reservoir.  “Chapter 8 […]

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It is too late to be a pessimist.

How is the earth changing? What is modern civilization doing to the earth?  How can we save the earth?   And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, […]

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One Hundred Years: A Philosophical Critique Chapel Talk of January 10, 2010 By Richard K   In the second chapter of Corinthians, Saint Paul describes his meeting with the Corinthians as follows:  And I was with you in weakness and in fear and with much trembling. That is the way I am feeling, exactly, at […]

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