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Category Archive for 'History'

In Chapter 6 of his biography, Ger W traces the physically exhausting events of Max Heindel’s first years as messenger for the Order of the Rose Cross from Heindel’s revealing  encounters with the Teacher: [Quoting Heindel]  While, as said, at the time of the experience here related, my tonal vision and the ability to function in the Region of Concrete Thought was indifferent and chiefly […]

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First Decade Ends April 14

The First Decade of the New Millennium Ends April 14, 2010. Chapter 5 of Ger W’s biography may prompt some readers’ questions where the author states near the top of page 73:             The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception was published at the end of November, 1909, a little more than four months before the end of the […]

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Uncommon Events At Mount Ecclesia

On Sunday evening, January 10, several friends lingered at Mount Ecclesia after the Chapel Service and two afternoon lectures, for Dolores Demick’s 99th birthday.  Her birthday would not actually be until January 12, but this was an opportunity to give recognition and have a little celebration with birthday cake and lighted candles while friends were present to recognize her special day. […]

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The most complete history of the Rosicrucian Fellowship has been published in Dutch by Ger W, who first wrote the narrative (in English) in the 1960s and then more recently augmented this study with official documents and photos.   [Editor’s note: See the third and fourth chapters recently added to the serialized book under the BOOKS tab.] […]

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Max Heindel’s baby picture surfaced almost exactly on cue, a few days after members and friends gathered at Mount Ecclesia to celebrate the centennial of  The Rosicrucian Fellowship and three months ahead of the 100-year commemoration of the infant organization’s benchmark publication, The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception.  Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that even after 100 years Heindel’s magnum opus continues to be the authoritative work against […]

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Origins of the Rosicrucian Order

  The third and final part of Chapter 1, Origins of the Rosicrucian Order from the biography Max Heindel and the Rosicrucian Fellowship identifies the individuals of the early Rosicrucian movement and gives the circumstances of their lives.  You will find this latest installment uploaded under the Books tab, a continuation of the historical account […]

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FOUND ! Step-Sister of Heindel

   Heindel’s Sister Immortalized As An Actress              Just as translators finished their work on Ger W’s biography of Max Heindel, Westenberg’s friend, Ole V, produced “new” pictures of Heindel’s half-sister, Anna Svierkier.  Vandrup discovered the pictures of Anna, who was a renowned actress, on the internet.  Previous to this recent “find” Ger W  possessed only […]

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