How and where are the mice entering my house?
Oct 16th, 2008 by admin
Data: 03 Oct 1995, 10:35 am, TZ = 6, 87W39, 41N42.
I was home one morning when a woman called and wanted me to help her answer the above question. She was understandingly bummed out, especially since she said she slept on a futon close to the floor and the thought of mice running across her as she slept (or worse) was making her just a little bit nervous (me, too). I set up a horary astrology chart for the moment I understood her question, using her longitude and latitude.
I considered the chart radical since neither less than 3 degrees nor greater than 27 degrees were rising. Hour ruler Moon was sextile 1-ruler Jupiter and applying, Jupiter itself being very close to the Ascendant.
Jupiter represents the lady and the 6th house represents the mice (p. 393, Christian Astrology by William Lilly (C.A.), p. 45, M.L.). 6-ruler is Venus and Venus is in Libra in the 11th house. Remembering Lilly’s chart about the missing dog (p. 392, C.A., p.45, M.L.), the first thing that struck me was that the mice were entering the house high up, like in the roof or attic. I kept in mind the fact that the 11th house, represents a SSE direction and Libra represents a western direction. These last two points were to prove inconsequential. But, until the mystery is solved, all possibilities must be kept in mind.
The next thing that struck me was that Venus and Saturn were in mutual reception by exaltation. Saturn is very near the 4th house cusp in Pisces. Although Lilly does not mention this, Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson says that when planets are in mutual reception, they have exchange status and, when referring to lost objects, she states that “when one of the significators is in mutual reception, the lost object is not in the place where it was lost or mislaid” (p. 154, Simplified Horary Astrology). I felt drawn to Saturn and, especially, the 4th house cusp. The reasons for this were that 1). a mislaid object is to be found by looking at the 4th house cusp, 2). Buried treasure is found by looking at the 4th house cusp (I concluded that looking for missing mice was analogous to looking for buried treasure.), and 3). the 4th house represents the actual house. I figured that Venus describes the mice and tells where the mice might be now, but that the 4th house cusp (and/or Saturn) would tell me where the mouse entrance into the house could be found. Pisces is Saturn’s sign and is the sign on the 4th house cusp. Pisces indicates a northwest direction (p. 10, Horary Practitioner (HP), issue #1, April/May, 1989).
From this information I told the lady to look in and around the roof and attic in the northwest part of her house. I told her to look for vents on the roof that weren’t screened or eaves that had holes or cracks where mice might enter. In general, I told her to play detective and keep all possibilities open, including the SSE and westerly directions.
Several days later the lady called to tell me that she had looked in the northwest corner of the house where the roof and eaves met. There was the hole that I told her she might find. To my surprise she told me that her neighbor, who had the exact same kind of house as hers, had a hole in her house in exactly the same position, only hers was big enough for a squirrel to get in. So, I guess you might say this was a case of killing two ‘birds’ with one horary.
Allen E
This is the time of year in the Northern hemisphere when mice and other critters look for warm places to camp out when the snow flies. So, it’s timely and seasonal that you, Allen, should send us Northerners this article on horary astrology. I don’t know whether it was more entertaining or educational, but I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.