See In The Perfect Light Of Christ
Feb 2nd, 2010 by admin
Dear friends,
“But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear.” Matthew 13:16.
“And he turned him unto his disciples, and said privately, Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see.” Luke 10:23.
In the above two passages, Jesus is speaking to his disciples and telling them that they are blessed for seeing with the eyes and hearing with the ears of Christ, as Jesus is teaching them to do. The only purpose of these letters is to inspire those on the healing prayer list to do the same: to listen to the words of Christ Jesus and put them into practice in healing prayer.
Today we look at Spiritual Sight and see how it can help us to be more effective in healing prayer. In particular we look at a request from Ursula regarding a friend who committed suicide. Her full request is in the notes following this letter along with other reports.
Not long ago some churches believed that anyone who committed suicide was sent immediately to eternal damnation. The Teachings give us a different perspective: that there is no eternal damnation, that the person had just made a mistake and will be reborn for another chance to correct their mistaken thinking. In fact we will continue to be reborn with additional chances until we decide to no longer listen to the voice of the false self that tells us the nonsense that brings pain into our lives. When we learn to listen only to the voice of the True Self sent by Christ, we will awaken and work full time in Christ’s vineyard.
If God is perfect love, how can there be eternal damnation? Obviously there cannot be a place for hell within a heaven of perfect love. That means that the despondent person who killed himself still is perfect in spirit because his spirit (called the soul in the Bible) is still perfect. All of his imaginings have not changed perfection one bit. He is still perfect even though he imagined himself to be beyond redemption.
Ursula asks: “Is there anything else we can do for a person once they have passed on?” The answer is absolutely yes! We can follow the words of Christ Jesus and see him with eyes that see. He is as much alive today as he was with a body, for life is eternal and cannot change or be changed. Thank God! or we would already have ruined our lives many times over before now.
So just how do we see with Spiritual Sight? With the eyes of Christ? The answer is WE do not. We don’t do it ourselves. In prayer we give that person to Christ and ask Him for help so we can see this person in the perfect light of Spirit. Christ will show him to us in this light. When we bless the person with this perfect light of spirit, it will help him immensely in his transition to life in the inner worlds and to prepare for his next life in which he will likely have a strong fear of death to deter him from the confused thinking that led to this false solution.
By the way, the moon crosses Saturn in Libra today, making this a perfect day to practice seeing beyond the false idea of death and extending the blessing of eternal life to someone who has made the mistake of believing that death is possible and can be a solution to imagined problems. Your prayers today can be especially effective not only in sending blessings to others, but also in awaking in yourself the skill of Spiritual Sight.
When we see just one person in the perfect light of Christ, we can send this same light to everyone on the list and to all to be used for the highest good where it is most needed.
Thank you for seeing with the eyes of Christ.