Not Peace But A Sword
Apr 4th, 2011 by admin
Not Peace But A Sword
Control and the Desire Body
According to Christ’s teachings, changing the peace of stagnation and disharmony into a harmonious Peace requires the sword. The bulk of the Israelites had stalled and become “lost”—crystallized in materialism. Throughout history the strong wield their power by acquiring money and goods through cleverness and cunning and by brute force. One reader remarked very astutely that it is imperative to understand a problem and know that the problem is part of the solution.
Today’s world demands self-regulation and self-governance. External conditions control weak individuals; internal conditions (viz. willfulness, feelings, imagery) control our external conditions as well as determine our new internal conditions When the bulk of humanity yearns for independence through cooperation instead of just yearning for personal power, prestige, and prosperity through selfish competition, and then sets about to live what they believe, the scale will immediately tip, dumping out the self-interest that pervades most governments of today. The good news seems to be that we are nearing the tipping point of the balance scale. But first must come the time of adjustment to the new freedoms bought by the price of the struggle. Timing is always a factor in bringing change. A sword can be a scalpel or a scythe
As we have seen, the uprisings of the Middle East are contagious, aided and encouraged by the Information Age Explosion, and by the astrological aura that bathes our planet, as well as the pervasive and interpenetrating Desire Stuff that we all inhale daily. A sense of brotherhood and universal fellowship spreads across national boundary lines. The very pace of history seems to be speeding up, and in the meantime the Desire World, that inter-penetrates our physical world, becomes polluted. Conditions in the Desire World affect us all.
This could be likened to a gigantic FACE BOOK in the atmosphere, connecting and affecting everyone, by the exposure experienced. Thought forms of similar vibrations coalesce. Emotionalized thought forms from the populations hang like mists and dust clouds over the various lands, and can be read by trained clairvoyants. Popular emotions are as unseen controls of a people that determine the nature of their government and their leaders. Change the misty dust clouds (thought forms) and the government will change accordingly.
The higher Archangels are above mistakes, but while we humans dwell in this densest of worlds we cannot help but make mistakes, because we are learning. Race Spirits (Archangels and their agents) give each nation and tribe a comforting sense of belonging to a group. They fill the auric atmosphere, a sort of womb for that locale, with the attributes the group needs for their cultural and spiritual development. Early on we are like children and need family/tribal support, but as we mature spiritually and move closer to the coming ages, the more independent and self reliant we become, making fewer mistakes. We broaden our sense and expression of love and fellowship toward strangers and “foreigners:” people outside our family.
These friendly feelings must be expressed, not just discussed and written about, because we human beings, by exercising our freewill, bring about the very conditions we ourselves need in order to evolve properly in our System. The mineral, plant, and animal kingdoms have yet no independent freewill. We have it and must use it lest it atrophy. Our pattern for doing this is perfect.
When people of any region of the world reach a stage where they need new conditions in which to live and evolve properly, they individually, then collectively, rise up to declare themselves, and take appropriate action. The Higher Kingdoms (Angels, Archangels, Lords of Mind, etc.) then move in and help. Nelson Mandela of South Africa is an example of the willingness to stand alone, if necessary, to demonstrate the pathway and to clear the way for others. Mohandas K. Gandhi was another who lived his beliefs in his daily life; then led others to freedom. These two individuals became focal points for Higher Help. We hope that the Middle East uprisings will also seek this higher road.
We can help them by holding uplifting thoughts about their struggles. Positive thought forms, when invested with sufficient intensity of will power, if aligned with God’s Divine Plan for that nation, will be directed to bring relief to their people. There can be no rancor of any sort in the thought forms, because such feelings have low, destructive vibrations which neutralize the good that would otherwise be done. When motivation is pure, it strives to strengthen the good, not criticize the “evil.” Thought forms of opposite vibrations do battle, and the stronger destroys the weaker. A heaven-sent Arab leader might be preceded by another charismatic dictator seeking office. Will the people distinguish between the two and choose the higher road? Nationalism, racism, tribalism, must /will in time give way.
Control and the Desire Body
A philosopher once said, “Let me control the people’s music and I will control the people’.” Someone else paraphrased that to say, “Let me control the people’s food and I will control the people’s disposition.” At this time, desire gives the incentive to move and to take action, so taking control of the desire body helps us move in the right direction. The desire body wants to be in absolute control of people, things, and situations. It resists being brought under its rightful owner, the Ego Within. An untamed desire body is the enemy of high aspirations. Transmutation of the lower nature means taking the energy out of the lower expressions and redirecting it to the higher parts of our nature. It does not mean stamping out desire or egotism. Drain your swamps and recycle its water.
We are seeing increased numbers of military people with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a condition indicating that the desire body has been overly strained, affecting the dreams and waking states with flashbacks. One psychologist found that “ghosts” of the victims haunt the dreams and sometimes waking states of the soldier who caused their death. This suggests that over-exposure to conditions of war with its over-stimulation of the desire body causes a loosening of the connection between the etheric body (containing memories) and the physical body.
Our vehicles interpenetrate, causing ripple effects between them. Loose connections between one’s vehicles produce sensitivity to sights/sounds in other Worlds which slip in through the slack. War victims die untimely deaths and therefore cleave to the death scene and to the “enemy” fighters. One PTSD sufferer healed his affliction, while the two could still see each other, by holding a private memorial service in Viet Nam for a dead Viet Cong victim who had been haunting him. They then became friendly.
If physicians who treat PTSD would prescribe healing music along with abstinence from popular “beat” music, plus a healthful, bland, non-stimulating diet, and some of the newer therapeutic de-stressing techniques, these patients could recover faster and more fully. If someone else could help a PTSD Veteran make spiritual contact with his own soul and with his haunting ghost in an effort to heal “the poor ghost,” we believe that total healing would occur much faster. We hope someone will do research in this field to show the need for adding spiritual dimension to the traditional materiel medico treatment. PJP