What does it mean TO LIVE LIFE?
Jun 14th, 2011 by admin
What does it mean TO LIVE LIFE? Of course we are all living. To live Life means much more than that. IT MEANS TO DO ALWAYS ONE’S DUTY AT THE RIGHT TIME.
Now most human beings do not at all do their duty at the right time. They have no idea of the necessity of doing it at the right time. Imagine an orchestra playing; the duty of each musician, according to the laws of orchestration, is to sound his notes, to play his passage, at a certain time; and if he and his fellow musicians do it properly, we have beautiful and harmonious music.
But if each musician were to lay his notes a little earlier or a little later, what would happen? There would be discord. In a way man cannot play false when he plays the right notes at the wrong time. This is the very thing we do when we individuals fail in our duties. We either do the right thing at the wrong moment, or else when the right moment comes we forget our obligations. The result for us is discord.
The discord which we create in this way is the most detrimental, because if our actions are maladjusted and ill-timed, we start new causes which will have their results at a given time; and if the causes are started at the wrong time the effects also will come at the wrong time. Either way we plant the seeds of disharmony, and for that very reason so often we do not seem adjusted to our lives, and find that things continually happen to us in a disharmonious way.
Our days are made up of a number of small events, some of which are seemingly important, some of no importance; but there is usually something that does not work properly, and the cause of it is an action hidden in the past.
We had not performed our duty at the right time. We must always see if there is an obligation to meet, and we must not fail in it.
If there is a greater duty to perform and a smaller one to perform, and we see that there is some one who is able to perform the smaller duty in our place, we are justified in leaving it and taking up the greater. But if there is no one to perform the smaller duty and the smaller was the first to appear, we must accomplish that one first; for after all it is nothing but a human concept of smallness or greatness. Everything is great in a way—and everything is small in a way.
In a symphony one note is not more important than another note. They are all equally important. The most delicate note is just as important as the deepest sounding one, because each has its proper place. Therefore, we must not forget that Life is just as scientific as the music of an orchestra, and that if we want to live our lives harmoniously, we must play our part as conscientiously as we would in an orchestra. Life is one great orchestra. That is what is meant by living Life, TO DO ONE’S DUTY ALWAYS AT THE PROPER TIME AND NEVER TO WORRY ABOUT THE RESULT. THE RESULT WILL COME RIGHT INEVITABLY IF WE ACT RIGHTLY. There is a Law that will show the way. When we shall know the Law, we will move through our lives in serenity. [Excerpt from Science of Being.]
Quote: I always had a repulsive need to be something
more than human.
David Bowie