Feb 11th, 2012 by admin
After my father was diagnosed in 1992 with Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease (CJD) I studied everything that I could find about this disease and learned that it is always fatal, usually within a few months.
Then, I experienced the most ghastly thing that I have ever witnessed, seeing a human being decline into full dementia over a period of weeks and die.
Years passed and I finally, after talking with the mortician, after calling the local public health people, and after talking with a researcher at the University of Wisconsin, put all of my files about this disease away and decided to be optimistic. It was obvious to me that the “system” was turning its back on truth. What could one person do to change the system? After all, the disease was occurring in only 1 per million of population. Things would have to get a lot worse before they would listen to even a bevy of doctors and scientists.
Since then, they have been getting a lot worse, but “they” still do not listen. Do you remember people dying in the United Kingdom from Mad Cow Disease? This happened years later, and Mad Cow Disease became the popular name for CJD in the news. Yet they did not listen, nor did I listen or take heed. It seems incredible to me now that I continued to eat meat during these years until, finally, I decided to take my probationer vow in 1998. Even after seeing all of the evidence, the deeply ingrained habits of a carnivore died hard.
This evening, while visiting a website recommended by a friend, I discovered that Dr. Lorraine Day wrote, not only about her cure from breast cancer via natural means, but also about Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease. She believes that neither bacteria, nor viruses, nor prions cause disease, but that lifestyle factors are the cause. Because I believe that many of you will be interested in this information, and in her viewpoints about healing, I am giving you the links to her website:
What Heindel said: