We Look for the Christ Light.
Nov 21st, 2009 by admin
Dear friends,
Today we would call someone who was demon-possessed insane, and the legion that possessed him would be the insane ideas that have put him in a wrong-minded state. Surprisingly, our job is no different today than it was for Jesus. We need to help restore the sick to their right minds. All sickness is really the result of wrong-mindedness or wrong thinking.
Healing prayer is the method we use to shine the Christ light into the minds of others. However, it is not the error or mistaken thinking that we look for in the minds of others; we look for the Christ light itself. When we see it in others, we will see it in ourselves, and healing is the result of seeing that light and opening the channel for Christ’s work. His light removes the darkness that has resulted in illness.
“And they came to Jesus and saw him who had been demon-possessed, and had the legion [host], sitting and clothed and right-minded.” Mark 5:15.
Thank you for doing your part today to extend the Christ light to be used where it is most needed.