A Broader Rosicrucian Vantage Point
May 13th, 2011 by admin
I found this discussion of Jesus and probationers and disciples interesting. But from a broader perspective (broader Rosicrucian vantage point) it is always helpful to avail oneself of all legitimate sources regarding spiritual ideas, especially in the most complex subject of Jesus and the Christ Being. Though not always comfortable to consider, there are other sources that contribute to MH investigations and teaching on the subject. Manly Hall, for example, though not an initiate per se, is an excellent source to broaden ones understanding of great spiritual figures and esoteric philosophies in history.
Edouard Schure’s, The Great Initiates, also is a good source.
The Rosicrucian Enlightenment By Frances Yates is highly regarded (history and influence in the 17th century). Ultimately, if one is going to dig deep for the truth, comparative study must be done.
One essential source is the Fifth Gospel by Rudolf Steiner where he attempts to fill in the gaps of the Gospels, and in particular the life of Jesus from age 12 to 30 and his journeys and travels to nearby regions. He did spend some time with the Essenes as an honorary member but eventually rejected their path due to their isolationism and non-involvement with the community and suffering at large.
In this lecture series, Jesus is depicted as an explorer and seeker, but not yet as a teacher. He gradually unfolds insight and experience in decadent religious practices of his time in and around Palestine. He does not come across as “a clairvoyant or initiate” at first but as a man driven to discover essential spiritual issues of the times, namely the nature of evil and its insidious impact on the people and the cultures around him. He appears to undergo a gradual awakening to his mission, culminating in the descent of the Solar Being.
It is also well established that Jesus was the great Zarathustra in a previous life and had great knowledge and wisdom within but as is the case, a full awakening to inner soul status comes gradually and not in an “enlightenment event.” Zarathustra set the stage for the coming of Christ hundreds of years earlier as Ahura Mazda, the Sun Spirit, (as Christ was gradually approaching the earth). … Jeff A.
imho, saying referring Jesus as a probationer is like saying that we are students, and by “we” you could say , Master CRC was a student, of course !!! (of Nature… he used to read the book M), Christ was a student (of course, of Father´s lessons)… in a broader sense , all are students… and all who are in the road of perfection are disciples of some higher principles and probationer proving if succedd in the task on hand.
What have no sense is compare Jesus with a common probationer undertaking minor tasks compared with the enormous task of Jesus.
Something does not fit to me in the sources of jeff, because for curiosities of life, the fifth gospel is brought as an essential source in the matter of Jesus…. but also could be quoted as an essential evidence of Steiner dissapointment with Max Heindel…
Any way, Corinne Heline also have in her fourth Volume of Nabi, good matterial, where it is stated that Jesus was ready to the great Job… and visited local leaders to announce that the time was rippen for the Coming of the Great Light… not to receive more knowledge