More On Jesus And His Life
May 17th, 2011 by admin
Upon deeper thought, most reading this blog know that Jesus was far more than student or seeker but it is clear that there exists enormous romanticism and projection concerning the status and possible life experience of Jesus from age 12 to 30 (And even more so of Christ Jesus.) Works such as the Fifth Gospel and the mystical visionary work of Catherine Emmerich and Maria Valtorta (search web) fill in many gaps about the life of Jesus and Christ’s ministry (Though the later sources need to be read carefully with discrimination).
All this said, what is essential is that these great Beings were both human and divine and we should attempt to form a true and accurate idea of such great Beings with the reminder that “God is Spirit” (as are these great Beings); and no form or image or astral vision can contain their true nature.
This is the paradox that the Fifth Gospel and careful reading of the scriptures offer: to the world Jesus and Christ appeared probably more as a normal looking man with special grace and character.
Of course inwardly the highest divinity was radiating forth from the soul. Yet both were dedicated to experiencing the full range of human experience in order to deeply understand our predicament on earth. Jeff A.