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Category Archive for 'History'

Infinite Possibilities Awakening to Life’s Purpose is the Theme of the 100-year Anniversary of The Publication of The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception November 13 – 14 – 15 Mount Ecclesia Friday, November 13, 2009 – Cafeteria – Mount Ecclesia – _______________________________________________ 4: 30 pm                Welcome Edgar A 5:15 – 615 pm       The Cosmo Through The Looking                               […]

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              Ger W’s biography, MAX HEINDEL and THE ROSICRUCIAN FELLOWSHIP, first published in Dutch in December 2003, is now serialized in English on RFFriends.org.              The reader will find a clear, documented chronicle of the activities which preceded and followed Max Heindel’s designation as messenger for the Brothers of the Rose Cross.  Truly an extraordinary figure, Heindel founded The Rosicrucian Fellowship […]

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Portuguese-Speaking Friends Commemorate 100 Years of The Rosicrucian Fellowship with Exposition and Book by Delmar Domingos de Carvalho  The Rose and Rosicrucians and 100 years Fraternidade Rosacruz Max Heindel and 100 years Conception in Bombarral-Portugal  2009 October 17 – 31 Municipal Museum Bombarral-Portugal    Although the Exposition does not officially open until October 17, Delmar […]

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Overheard On Roselearn:

Open-Source Leaderless Teams? By Bob Jacobs  Dear Friends,             Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, once told an interviewer that at the beginning of his career with the original MS-DOS operating system, his father asked him why anyone would be willing to pay for software.  With the globally widespread development and acceptance of open-source alternatives […]

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The Brothers of the Rose Cross  A Chapel Talk of the Rosicrucian Fellowship August 9, 2009 By Jean de Galzain     This morning I want to talk about the Elder Brothers of the Rose Cross and their work.              We are very privileged to be on this mountain, celebrating 100 years of service with […]

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The Union Bell Ceremony              Edgar A gave his talk outdoors under the old bell tower.  He explained that he had visited the bell earlier in the morning, and while he stood there in the early dawn he listened very carefully to what the bell had to say.   This is the same bell that rings […]

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SPREADING THE TEACHINGS A Rosicrucian Fellowship Centennial Talk By Jorge Rey                         As the driving theme of this Summer School is the Modern Face of the Ancient Teaching, it will be helpful to understand what the Elder Brothers constructed in the past, what they are doing in modern times and what we can do, as […]

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